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"Is that so? Even should your own life be doomed to be lost in the process? Even if it means losing all that you hold dear?" https://t.co/c8jmJnoCZ2
"Emiya Shirou.. I shall remember that."
Pondering his question she glanced away if only for a brief moment.
"My class name works well enough. It is how most Magi refer to me anyways. Though.. should you be willing to share such secrets.. what kind of mage are you?" https://t.co/XoW6nhr4Fw
"Hm.. I see.. well unfortunately I have no knowledge of such things, I will merely take your word for it. Might I ask who you are though?" https://t.co/3RoWXVpbUB
"I am the Tyrant King of Knights, to be more specific. I can only assume you are famililar with it from stories you have read? At least.. the uncorrupted version of Excalibur. I would be surprised if you recognized Excalibur Morgan specifically." https://t.co/BoT72fDpXx
"I did not plan on causing any, should nobody attack me first."
Yellow hues wander down to her weapon briefly before returning to him.
"Its the Sword of Promised Victory, Excalibur Morgan." https://t.co/DdWOvdMSha
Her gaze was quickly turned towards the other. Something about him felt vaguely famililar however.. ah well, she couldnt remember anyways even if she wanted to.
Her tone was cold and stern as she spoke.
"What of it? A Servant can roam where they please." https://t.co/2bD7bbtelh
"A-Ah I see. A commitment, then. Well I dont mind, I have the free time for it as of late." https://t.co/Jm1v1OhqC4
"Huh.. I see, reminds me of a certain someone. Ah well, I'll pick up the book sometime if you'll lend it to me." https://t.co/GoIjOoH8zD
"Oh? Facinating.. were they as interesting as they were in the book?"
Seems like the King was genuinely interested! https://t.co/sSPZgp9cFN
"Heir of fire..?"
Her head tilts some as she glances upon the book.
"Whats it about?" https://t.co/kwHWNZxTWW