🎀Chenna Kitty🎀さんのプロフィール画像

🎀Chenna Kitty🎀さんのイラストまとめ

Digital artist ✧ Live2D Rigger | #ChennArt
♡ OCs + multifandom
💌[email protected]vgen.co/chennakitty

フォロー数:373 フォロワー数:1060

https://t.co/StqNmVIWT8 I don't have anything recent that has gotten the amount of traction/usage that these got on tumblr ~10 years ago

0 7

💗✨Welcome to Donut Bunny 🍩🐰

13 55

Tried painting something in 2 hours, ended up spending closer to 3

11 58

Chennizens... mascot... 💭

5 37

https://t.co/wQ5Ez35vog working on art and dealing with only having 1 monitor to navigate through everything

0 4