

DalBee|Banner:@slam_albam|RDR2🔞-스포O|찰스아서찰스|KOR,ENG,GER OK|I don't post X&R on here, go to👉@db_xr419

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Oh, maybe I am wrong. 🤔 I thought like that because of his 3D model which has rounded ears under the iron parts.

0 5

진짜 좀 다르게 생겼긴 하다 얘 귀도 사람 귀더만
Still don't know how to draw this Rakan. And I saw that his ears are human ears...

10 126

I don't know how should I draw this Rakan...

28 237

스킨 나올때마다 매번 장식적인 화려함을 갱신하는 거 같다 저번 아르카나는 좀 은발의 백발 느낌이었는데 이번엔 좀 금발의 백발느낌이라 미묘하게 감상이 다르네
아르카나는 룰브레이커 느낌인데 이번에는 굉장히 기득권의 느낌

8 87

What is Rakan wearing...? Armpit opened clothes

8 119

Oh ya, so I was confused when they released this one and that one at the same time. Definitely I love Rakan with the left body. Did he work very hard after joining Zoe's team? 🤔 Or does Anime Beam make his muscles smaller? ☹️ Give him muscles back Riot!

0 9

Haha 😂 Is it shocking? My male taste for characters is more like these guys

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