

Hello! I'm an artist That like to Draw any Fandoms (That currently is Object Shows and THSC). Pfp by SilverStar
Info: My actual Birthday is July 6.

フォロー数:427 フォロワー数:462

I found this Trivia Crack Pictures! It's actually a gif and can moves, but in here it Can't. They're Adorable X3

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Alison making a Shooter Snow Machine, when she gonna test it, the Machine is Shots Hector accidentally and Hector get buried in the Snow XD.

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Drawing Pop and Her Anti from Triviatopia. This is Anti Pop as my Version 😏 👌

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This is The Fanart for (Which I already upload it in Deviantart).
Al and Sage are The Science Rivals, and I don't know why I Love them so much? X3

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