//=time() ?>
Best Of The Week 7/6/21 5/5
DC Pride #1 (cont.) by @marikotamaki+@amyreeder, @DipsOff+@klausjansonnyc, @weredawgz+@lisa_sterle, @SinaGrace+@RoStein404 +@ten_bandits, @NicoleAMaines+@RachaelAtWork and @Wheeler+@LucianoVecchio
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 7/6/21 1/5
Goblin by @egrissom and Will Perkins
Far Sector #12 by @nkjemisin and Jamal Campbell
The Joker #4 by @JamesTheFourth+@GuillemMarch and @JamesTheFourth+@DipsOff+@Mirkand
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 24/5/21 4/4
Shadow Doctor #4 by Peter Calloway and @KabaLounge
The Other History Of The DC Universe #4 by John Ridley and Giuseppe Camuncoli
Robin #2 by @Williamson_Josh and @GlebMelnikov8
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 17/5/21 3/5
The Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #2 by @therightram and Filipe Andrade
Fantastic Four: Life Story #1 by @Manruss and @SeanIzaakse
Champions #7 by @weredawgz and @LucianoVecchio
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 17/5/21 2/5
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3 by @Christosgage, @DonaldMustard and @Reilly_Brown
Nightwing #80 by @TomTaylorMade and @Bruno_Redondo_F
Undone By Blood Vol. 2 #3 by @LonnieNadler, @ZacBeThompson and @sami_kivela
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 3/5/21 1/4
Eve #1 by @victorlavalle and Jo-Mi Gyeong
The Swamp Thing #3 by @therightram and Mike Perkins
Dead Dog's Bite #3 by @BoyCartoonist
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 5/4/21 4/4
Dead Dog's Bite #2 by @BoyCartoonist
The Silver Coin #1 by @zdarsky and @Mister_Walsh
Bliss #6 by @SeanChrisLewis and @yarrrsky
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 29/3/21 4/4
Beta Ray Bill #1 @danielwarrenart
Giga #3 by @AlexPaknadel and @johnlestudio
Let Them Live! #5 by @ElliottKalan+@themikenorton and @alexgrecian+@jfornes74
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 8/3/21 3/5
Eternals #3 by @kierongillen and Esad Ribić
Proctor Valley Road #1 by @grantmorrison, @AlexChildWriter and @naomifranq
Home Sick Pilots #4 by @DanPGWatters and @Casparnova
Inks/colors/letters tagged
Best Of The Week 8/3/21 1/5
Taskmaster #4 by @jedmackay and @AlessandroVitti
The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem #6 by Gerard Way, @ShaunSimon and @Leo__Romero
Daredevil #28 by @zdarsky and @MChecC
Inks/colors/letters tagged