

| BANNER = @hy_hav
| ART GRANDPARENT= @strovi_ | MAMA= @IzuRelict | PAPA= @typeou / #jrdoodle

フォロー数:1384 フォロワー数:2697

Babby's first picrew.

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Huge shoutouts to for the beautiful reactives. I love em to death! <3

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Thanks again for joining me , , with Phasmophobia. I had loads of fun! And thanks to everyone that joined us tonight. We hit up to cap off the night. Please give everyone here some love! <3

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You're darn right I'm gonna rock Mountaintop + Recluse in the new Iron Banner!

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I'm happy with the progress I've made on my new logo. There's so much detail that nobody is really going to notice.

0 15

Would y'all like it if I dropped more tidbits of info from the production side of from it's past and present?

3 29

What a fantastic day of streams! Thank you so much for the raids , , and ! Y'all are fantastical! We ended the night off by sending everyone over to the stream of the lovely . Show everyone here some love!

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