(Hiatus 🇧🇷) 🍉*⛅💬 K1TS0 | Nickloon CEO's bfさんのプロフィール画像

(Hiatus 🇧🇷) 🍉*⛅💬 K1TS0 | Nickloon CEO's bfさんのイラストまとめ

🗳️Sick Mondays CEO🫐
× artist/certified yapper × he/they/kit × adult ×
BF!!:@ethan_samuel__ 💙☀️
| banner/pfp by my bf

フォロー数:1608 フォロワー数:1136

Anyways, let's go to the good stuff! Page 44, their biggest interaction so far. Here we can see more of Star Cookie caring for others and wanting to interact with everyone, contrasted with Dust Mote's negative attitude

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Which is also something Dust has in common with Star Cookie! However, instead of an angry, he just keeps a chill face, but she masks a bit better than ae does.

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Ae also is shown to be scared easily, maybe that's why ae tries to keep an angry demeanor all the time! To mask aer own insecurities and all that.

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Ae DOES show a bit of compassion towards others tho! Specially to aers teammates, such as being worried about what the hell is the deal with "The House"

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Dust Mote, however, is kind of the opposite, ae prefers to mess with people instead of getting close to them, BUT ae isn't a complete asshole tho, ae is just a little prankster really

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anyways QnA <333333 https://t.co/V8KmILVKPj

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This is a good time to bring out their introductions to the table! Star Cookie is all about connections, getting along with people, and all of that, and we can see them doing that a lot too! I included some examples here too

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Page 41! This one is more in your face, both duos are on the front and it shows their differences clearer. Button and Bottle being more touchy with each other meanwhile Dust Mote being a bit disgusted by that (I'll talk about this more later), Star Cookie just chilling as always

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Page 16! This one doesn't really show anything, but I just wanted t share it because they are very silly

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Now, let's take this one from page 12! Again, being shown next to each other, and also showing a contrast between BottleButton and StarDust, while one duo is more lighthearted, the other is more chaotic, maybe that's the whole point of the parallels!

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