

Part of the soul on a white sheet
Monbebe ot7
Fanart acc

フォロー数:8 フォロワー数:25

Sea is stirred, one...
Sea is stirred, two...
Sea is stirred, three...

0 1

"A bad man is worse when he pretends to be a saint"

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"And in the whole universe only you are my moon, and I am your sun "

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— 넌 모든 꽃들을 다 꺾어버릴 수는 있겠지만, 봄이 오는 걸 막을 수는 없어.

This is my spring art made in winter

I'm glad I can show it to you
I've recently fallen in love with lavender and would love to share a piece with you
Thank you

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