

|30 l ♏️ l 🇵🇷lthey•them// I draw things sometimes// TLT • FOB•JJBA•ROTTMNT (.❛ ᴗ ❛.) linktr.ee/lexxbot

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I’ve been thinking about comfort characters again (aside from Crisis)

Di is a sweetheart with a lot of secrets she can’t quite remember. Maybe they were fever dreams? She can only hope.

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Now dragons used to be a bit of a problem, but that was five years ago. Now they've all moved in.

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I’m gay and in love

And they don’t have a gif of his pretty assistant

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Javier at the Starbucks is my new friend and I’m glad he gives good recs. Get a warm cookie for yourself and a cake pop

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Her name is Amani

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Happy Valentine’s Day 🖤

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