

art instagram :

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Matthew yassified it twice and I hate it so much omg

0 6

Be your own muse

0 17

For the day that’s in it

5 47

For anyone without a valentine

379 6925

Toss up between Nuns in Workman’s and Daniel Holding Mackerel

0 9

30. I LOVED this, great wee twist and really nice to read. About a group of kids who all have stopped going to school for one reason or another and they all meet up in a fantasy world

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Omg yes I have a few slots open between now and Christmas! Mostly portraits but also do lots of shop front and house illustrations 🌞

1 4

(2) sorry for mentioning the C word so early xx

0 6

(1) Does anyone know of any Irish stores who might be interested in stocking some of my Christmas cards? I won’t be home in time to sell them myself this year!

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