

ID/ENG || 20+ || Yummy food, comfy place, cats, and more snack || mostly random art retweet and some rl stuff ||

フォロー数:2541 フォロワー数:85

Got another strong beautiful waifu before the new banner =w=
So thankful to my loverly guildies

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the color and accessories I usually use when playing Among Us
It's a fun game. I always get killed when I wasn't the impostor and having fun every time seeing everyone suspects someone when I was the Impostor

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fix udah hampir lupa gimana dulu coloring rambut //"Orz
lama gonta ganti shading rambut gegara gk sesuai sama referensinya

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kayaknya baru bakal selesai habis lebaran

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I finally can draw Miku from my most favorite Miku song

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more than 10 days and still not finish 😭😭😭

iya aku malas2an sebelumnya

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lama benerin proporsi badannya doang
masih weipeh

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I always use focus line before start drawing sketch

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Happy Miku day 💚💙💚💙🎉🎉🎉

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