"G-1ELIQr-51, (GELEQr, or simply "Cargo Caterpillar") -
Massive cargo robots that can also be controlled from the inside. They are able to carry huge loads over huge distances with different landscapes and low energy consumption.- #pixelart#robot#scifiart
"TERV-J62IO0-15.1 (Abbreviated - TERV-J6 or TERV)
A huge combat robot, 12-15 meters high, with two thick large arms and two rocket launchers under them. The arms are equipped with retractable batons and small machine guns.- #pixelart#robot#scifiart
What is the essence of the challenge? I draw robots from the universe, in the creation of which I take part, every 1-2 days. I will accompany these drawings with a description of these robots. #pixelart#robot#scifiart