

Not much to say really, I'm a digital artist, always learning.
Currently explorin' video-making, photography, digital art, 3d modeling and animation.

フォロー数:621 フォロワー数:35

Guys, I refuse to believe nobody has ever thought of this.

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Just a quick concept, nothing too special, I kinda like it though so I'm throwing it here.

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"Real" Mythology creatures or modern fantastic ones?
For "real" I propose:
Quetzacoatl the Aztec feathered snake, god of winds and rain and creator of the world and mankind.
And Jörmungandr, the norse Midgard World Serpent, middle child of the gianttess Angrboða and Loki
2 sneks

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Hey is there a specific term for the white spiky halo behind their head?
I've seen many similiar things in other godly characters in different medias but i can't find what they are called.

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Me: "Oh cool i wanna learn how to draw characters to make a fanart."
Also me:

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