Skulboi | C0mm1ssions Open (5/5)さんのプロフィール画像

Skulboi | C0mm1ssions Open (5/5)さんのイラストまとめ

Long Live the Decadency
🇦🇷 Artist who barely post art|LoL & LoR enjoyer|JoyConBoy|
will rtw NSFW so minors GTFO

フォロー数:459 フォロワー数:112

I would draw them together but I fucking hate Irelia and her detailed ass armor and blades

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oh boo hoo poor her, I can't imagine what it's like to go 4 years without getting a skin

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my first 3 mains IMO don't have bad skins, but by elimination a weaker skin, Emerald and Charred started as chromas and while they look cool they're the least cool looking, Guerilla would be cool if not for Omega Squad doing everything better. then there's ''not FF white mage''

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2 of the ones I developed the most even tho I never post them: Singed and Kog'Maw

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I have played so Many decks and so Many matches with him, I know him well, I know his pain, I understand His anger, and I'll always be on His side

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I cannot express how much I thank you for making this

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reminder that we were robbed of femboy xerath. fuck riot's ''appeal rule''

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Pentakill Karthus should have stayed as he was in the '17 MV. Or AT LEAST keep consistent with His new look cause he's old in the concert and promotional art bc I Guess they mimicking Jörn but then he looks awfully joung in the Splash art. Riot's Appeal Rule at it's finest.

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