


フォロー数:74 フォロワー数:10074

New Video Tomorrow

What do all these games have in common 🤔

32 703

New video in an hour!

13 324

This stage looks cool as hell but I’m really hoping the level design actually utilises all these interlocking pathways

I remember being so disappointed at how cool this Forces level looked only to see you’re running on the 1 path the whole time

28 380

Should Sonic have love interests; Yes or No and give your reason as to why 🤔

359 6306

Can someone make me a Sonic mod where you can play as this guy

9 110

new video tomorrow

29 585

who the fuck did they hire to design the guns in Shadow the Hedgehog???

29 395

This is objectively the best Sonic design from the Boom concept art, fight me.

3 139

this isn't even to mention the MOST recent design, his name is "X" now

3 43