

i sometimes make videos

フォロー数:90 フォロワー数:128

It's great we got release dates that are right around the corner. It would be nice to get physical copies.

I like the nod towards the P3 classroom art. Easily one of the rawest artworks in a while, especially with Kotone being present on the side.

23 741

It is hilarious since it wasn't until the recent years was Persona "put down". In the end it doesn't matter what nonsense is said because they're some of the greatest pieces of media.

The art, music, characters, stories, plots, etc. All of top quality, perfection even at times.

1 22

I wasn't expecting Teddie to pop up at all. I can't believe we're getting P4AU on modern consoles.

7 123

Arguably the greatest woman in Persona 4.

2 100

All of the exclusive covers look great.

3 26

I absolutely adore Persona Q, and more so Q2. I would love to see a Q3 that includes either P6 cast or P1 and P2 cast, along with P3-P5.

5 42

Yes, it does. I would say it was very well received. The music is fantastic, it builds on the current cast, and introducing two new Phantom Thieves (big fan favorites).

It overall is a incredible sequel, the ending leaves the possibility of one final sequel for the P5 cast.

8 439

The sweetest girl in fiction.

18 135

Arezu seems to be Mars' ancestor. Lain is Clay's ancestor as well.

I already like Arezu heavily.

10 118

What if the final slot is just Shin, and we have been getting played this entire time.

2 26