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sketching is great. no judgement, just lines

2 19

been really hating my paintings lately so gonna do a lot of sketching for a bit for a change of pace.

2 27

Welcome to the Art Bar ! It's finally the weekend! I did a lot this week but i wasnt happy with much of what it lol. What about you? Did you learn something new? Did you finish anything? Feel free to share your work or what you learned below 

1 8

アート・バーの  えようこそ。ついに週末になりましたね。おつかれさまでした!今週も、皆さんのアートの旅進みましたか?今週ぼくはいっぱい書いたけどなんか不満足ですね。 今週皆さんが書いたイラストはぜひぜひコメントで見せてください! 

0 17

quick painting today. I've thought about not posting my crappier looking practice stuff, but i want people to know that not every painting or sketchbook entry is an out of the park success

1 24

is trending so hi! I'm a digitalpainter who paints a lot of and also teaches live digitalpainting classes. If you like pokemon and super scattered tutorials check me out

4 20

saw this scene from my walk today and tried to redo it from memory when I got home. GOTTA WORK ON THEM OBSERVATIONAL SKILLS


4 28

morning painting with my coffee. gonna try and have a productive day.

Ursaring - リングマ


1 26

was a good art day. Good night everyone!

Cubone カラカラ


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