

フォロー数:642 フォロワー数:1561

アート・バーの  えようこそ。ついに週末になりましたね。おつかれさまでした!今週も、皆さんのアートの旅進みましたか?今週ぼくは色も顔も勉強しました! 今週皆さんが書いたイラストはぜひぜひコメントで見せてください! 

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Welcome to the Art Bar ! It's finally the weekend. I studied colors and faces this week! What about you? Did you learn something new? Did you finish anything?Feel free to share your work or what you learned below~

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thanks for stream today

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sketch スケッチ
practicing color - 色の練習

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and is trending so here I am to peddle my wares. i do lots of pokemon art and i try to do less popular pokemon. Below there's a golem, ninjask, koffing, and some others if you can find them! check me out if you are so kind <3

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I'm an art teacher that tries to put in as much personality and storytelling as i can into stuff. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt lol. Thanks for the art share

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First Adventure
Golem, Krabby, and Paras
ゴローニャ, クラブ, と パラス
Please check out the short manga in the comments!

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現在書いてる の右側の部分。これだけでイラストになりそうですね。明日か明後日か完成するはず。がんばる!
The right most part of the im working on. I like how it could almost stand on its own. Hopefully I'll have it finished soon!

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...his use of really chunky texture so weezing looks super gross and deformed and not just like a purple balloon. That texture was the inspiration for this koffing I did a few weeks ago. Hajime Kusajima is a great artist and I plan to do a video on his art sometime.

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