

フォロー数:642 フォロワー数:1561

今日はなんかだるいなかんじで何も書きませんでした。なので、ぼくの2年前のmsペイントの絵だしますww I was lazy today so have some of my mspaint stuff from 2 years ago. I still kinda like the first one tbh

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polished it up a little. I'm getting the hang of this i think. Just gotta grind out some more practice and do some more study

1 22

新しい筆の練習がつずくよ!この筆で書くと色がなんか深くなりますね! Still practicing with the new dry brush. Things just have so much depth when you paint and mix with it.

5 41

ありがとうございます! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR 1000! 1000番の人は  でした! 

2 29


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