

Carry your head high. Avatar art by frostce.

フォロー数:526 フォロワー数:667

Takeshi Nozue the CGI cinematic director on FFXV and the director of Kingsglaive FFXV is confirmed by Yoshi-P to be working on FFXVI too!

Nozue is directing and storyboarding the CGI cinematics for FFXVI, his CGI team from Kingsglaive are also XVI.

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Kingdom Hearts scrapped animated pilot shows Kairi actually doing something

Nomura: Cancel it!

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From the blurry thumbnail I thought the new art on the Uniqlo shirt was using young Clive in his timeskip outfit, but it looks like it's just timeskip Clive, though his hair does look a little bit different now in the new artwork, he's got a slight hair part now.

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Yuki Matsuzawa the goat

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Not sure how I feel about the in-game artstyle of the human characters in Gen 9 though, they look perfectly fine in the 2D artwork but something about their 3D models look off and "un-pokemon" like, like the Detective Pikachu human characters.

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The boss of this castle area is a Behemoth with wings, which while Behemoth's didn't appear in FF1 there was one featured prominently in an Amano promotional artwork for FF1, additionally the Behemoth King fought within Insomnia in FFXV is also based on that same Amano artwork.

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Really hoping to see FFXVI "rereveal" at TGA today. Forspoken would be cool to see too, but XVI hasn't been shown in 2021 yet, it's time!
I expect Chrono Cross remaster because the rumours and leaks line up to today.
Wouldn't be surprised if FF7R PC (EGS lol) version is revealed.

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Luna sticking her tongue out with the green soup like Regis did😭

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New artwork of Noctis, Prompto and Aranea from the FFXV collab with FFBE WOTV.

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