

フォロー数:358 フォロワー数:422

Last big piece for Zenos and the Endsinger from

Now to grind out stickers and sundry. I'll be at A17-18

42 106

I'm Thomas, I'm based in Jakarta and I paint various things.

1 8

For ID homies,

Abis ada beberapa orang nanya bisa pesen poster langsung gak. Jadi skalian bikin deh, kalo ada lagi yang tertarik silakan DM and we'll arrange it uwu. 50k per poster+ongkir, and hey, I'll toss in a potbois sticker for fun.

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And here's the Genshinstravaganza sticker crew.

There'll be some other odds and ends, but that's the main event.

1 9

Compiling into a proper list and fixing a previous error: we're at a21-22, not 21-24. So no, we're not invading the next table.

See you all tomorrow!

1 1

A smol Magnamalo from , another sticker preview for this weekend. Table A21-24 : >

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Something a little different-- smol sticker for . There'll be... a lot more.
I'll be there at A21-24, both days : 3

2 3

Another , I don't think I've done this much tryhard fanart from a single series for a while now. Something for

11 22

Character commish thumbnail asset for , bg just a temp stand-in for the transparent backdrop.

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