

フォロー数:335 フォロワー数:887

Feysand and Elriel appreciation post because they mean everything to me.

60 365

The golden trio of acotar
Feysand, Elriel, Nessian you will always be famous and loved

42 249

The shadowsinger and the seer of the night court ❀ 🔹️

50 254

These fanarts are too cute agsfsddwve
Three brothers and three sisters, as it should be 🤎

75 352

I don’t see the difference ❀

48 263

Look at them!! They’re so cute 😭
The most beautiful women in all of Prythian, no one compares to them

42 233

“Three females with absurdly long, flowing hair that all resembled hers; and three winged males”
Feysand, Elriel, Nessian, three brothers and three sisters is not a cliche it’s prophetic ✨

78 445

Archeron sisters the main characters of Acotar series, them and only them<3

61 460

Simplemente las hermanas Archeron✨

64 429

“I smiled at the thought—at how handsome they would be together”

We know Feyre’s word is law and she’s never been wrong

38 224