

This is the tale of a man who continues to fight against fate | Amateur artist/video editor/anime, manga and video game nerd | 💖 @zerosugarkiwi 💖

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:52

ACT-AGE gets an adorable colored cover this week featuring new character Satsuki

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Chainsaw Man gets another colored cover this week

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New series Moriking got this week's full color spread, and uh... That's definitely a way to introduce your series

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Looks like We Never Learn gets a colored cover featuring Rizu in a bunny costume (and on Easter, no less)

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Dr. STONE gets another great colored cover this week

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Mashle gets a colored cover this week, and honestly I feel like it just did a regular illustration for it instead of something special. A bit disappointing

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One Piece gets a great full color spread featuring the Straw Hats and Tontattas

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MHA gets a great colored cover featuring Miruko

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Jujutsu Kaisen gets a great colored cover this week

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Got off work to see this week's Shonen Jump cover featuring Luffy sharing a drink with two of the coolest One Piece characters 😍

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