

i tell stories and no one's managed to convince me i'm bad at it yet. more active at

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The little cave rang with laughter. Snacks from town were strewn across the table (the Diviner didn't often eat, but the girl insisted they try a few of her favorites).
When the conversation lulled, the girl asked, "Do you ever do this? Like, for yourself?"

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"...But, if it's any comfort, he would be an awful boyfriend."
"God, I bet. He wouldn't even lend me his pen in class. But he's hot, y'know?"
"Beware--I have seen great evil in this boy's heart. Like his taste in movies."
"Oh my god, stop!"

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This continued for a while. The girl would arrive at the Diviner's doorstep with a new crush every week or so. Dozens of paper slips burned up in the fire, and even as the seasons changed, the answer did not.
"You are not in his future."

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A few weeks passed before the girl reappeared in the gloomy entryway.
"I hope you didn't think I was kidding!"
A new boy had caught her eye, and she was sure this one was her destiny. (When the Diviner gave her a look, she added "almost sure.")

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After the flames died down, the Diviner announced, "I've looked upon his future. You are not in it."
"Oh." The girl kicked the floor softly. "Well, that sucks."
"The truth is often unkind."
"I guess so. I was really hoping, though."

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Handing her a thin slip of paper, the Diviner said, "Write your query." And when the girl had done so, it was thrown onto the hearth. The fire grew into a violent blaze too bright to look at, but the Diviner's gaze remained fixed, pressing intently into something unseen.

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Beyond the entrance to the cave, The Diviner's home was surprisingly warm and hospitable. "Yours is the first request I've heard in a long time," they said, "and certainly the humblest I've ever heard." But they were not insulted.

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"Like. OK. This cute boy in my class lent me his pen 'cuz I forgot mine at home? And I'm freaking out, 'cuz like, y'know how you act nice to someone and they get totally the wrong idea? Like 'damn, girl, chill, it's a pen.' But he's just so...y'know? What if he's the one?!"

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In a cave by a town by the sea, there lived a being with the power to see all. The past, the future, and even the darkest secrets of the heart were laid bare in their sight. The townspeople called them the Diviner, and dared not approach.

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