

Owner of the Katsurant and a Gundam Girl at heart 💖🥢| EN/PH | ママ + パパ @zhandraws | Katsurant under construction 🚧

フォロー数:967 フォロワー数:5088

Sige lang tanggap ko naman. Sino ba naman ako para sumaya diba? 🥹

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Thank you for the opportunity!! 💖

1 5




It's Katsurant's anniv week! Feel free to drop by in my 3 days of 8hours stream~

🗓️: Feb 7 - 9, 2023
🎥: https://t.co/Uwm4GkYPtC

Goals and gifts are in the thread too! I hope to katsu there! 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

🎨: 💖

17 55


AAAAAAAAAA didn't expect the super warm-as-a-katsu welcome back from y'all!! >//<

Thank you katsu-much to everyone that dropped by the stream!! ☺️💖

3 40

Happy 11 months to us, my katsumers! 🤎🥢

Never thought I'd reach this far and stay this long... I wouldn't be where I am today if YOU didn't believe in me. 🥺

Thank you katsu-much for letting me deliver delight every night! No leaving the Katsurant, oki? ILOVEYOU!

8 88

Happy 9 months to us, my katsumers~ Thank you katsu-much for all the support and love you've given to me and my Katsurant. I'll always be grateful! 🥺🤎🥢

I love you all always, in all ways. 🥰💖


13 94

8 months.

almost 26 hrs stream.
300 subs + bits.
1.9k on Twitch.
3 games. (dota/valo/picopark)
10 raids.
105 peak viewers.
3 hype trains.

1 happy katsu 🥺💖

I'm still processing my emotions but I'm just really, really grateful. Thank you for everything, my Katsumers! 😭💛

15 105

I love everything about DotA 2. I feel like my brain is gonna leak out of my head from how good it feels. I wanna play DotA 2 tomorrow too <-no shame


4 37

Your local katsu girl is now officially 2.4k here on Twitter and 1.7k on Twitch! Thank you katsu-much for the delight. I love you all always, my Katsumers! 🤎💛


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