


フォロー数:706 フォロワー数:202

This shit probably funny as fuck

2 14

a soldadera attempt from the other night i forgot to post (she's Oaxaca lol :P) more commentary in the alt text which i might start doing if i keep these up. might start a thread or use the tag in case anyone wants to mute these from me/so i can keep track of them

4 12

Leader Ayumu would like to battle!

4 11

another poopy ms paint osaka im kinda proud of; once i start getting the hang of her more i'll start putting in more effort and doing more than just the same pose n clothes

2 19

i dont do art but i been mouse drawing her in ms paint recently and i kinda like this one

6 20

dammit a minor hair correction makes it look a lil cleaner

2 7

Azumanga Theory: Idiots can float. Exhibit A.

3 11