

Call me itousa! ᙏ̤̫ Childhood never ends 🌼📛⛳️┊ᴇɴɢ(ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ)/日本語┊pfp by @cottonsprout┊ ご依頼 itousa.jp/about-freelanc…

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:51475

Music Chemistry ⚗️🧬🎵

377 2932

I made tapestries with these artworks ⛳️ They make your room a playground!

57 446

Playground 🐶🌈🛝

201 1288

My sh0p is now open! 🌼🍊⛳️ We have new merch besides these ( * ›ω‹ )ノ

Link in bio and below!

93 614

New acrylic charms 🐰🐶🌤️⛳️

98 1052

Playground 🐰🌼⛳️

377 2371

New sticker sheets 🦄🐸✏️ And the sticker sheet series is all done!!

107 848

My art goals for 2024 🌈🌼🌱🍎

208 2301

Thank you for all the love this year! My art flower seeds started to sprout! 🌱(The artist's a bit shy) 🌈🌼🍰

47 329