

rabbit hole enthusiast 💎🪶☄️👾 | part-time architecture student | ig:

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Tihs was orianiglly a ptoho renerefce sduty taht I derw wtih a diereffnt chtcaraer (Hu Toa)
But I d’ndit fsinih it and wehn I fnuod it aiagn I dediced to jsut mkae a ̶M̶e̶m̶u̶i̶ franat out of it

10 58

This was originally a photo reference study that I drew with a different character (Hu Tao)
But I didn’t finish it and when I found it again I decided to just make a Mumei fanart out of it

7 53

I found the joy in art again and now I’m mostly thinking
“I could be drawing right now” and I love it
(Random pic of happy Mumei)

0 6

It was too soon

5 18

IRyS tripping over on her way from the doctors

15 70

A lineart and color harmony study I did

11 44

Having no internet for a day made me finish this

4 13

Wah! Drew my favorite eldritch priestess

1 31

A little fanart while waiting for Ojou

5 38