Lunar 💫TEAM STARDUST 🌌さんのプロフィール画像

Lunar 💫TEAM STARDUST 🌌さんのイラストまとめ

Lunar/Lun | 21 | she/her | black artist | Slowly coming back from haitus ✦ Support me on Ko-fi

フォロー数:261 フォロワー数:3300

Hey so uh I'm Lunar ☕ just a freelancing artist trying to make a living. I mostly draw furries but I do draw alot of content from other fandoms n such!

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Potential new design for lunar! I never really liked her old one much though its been with me for the longest. I really like how this looks do far though

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Heres my ver to the ! Pretty happy how it turned out and might make another ver in the future

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So I'm trying my damn best in revamping this character ive had deep within mt archives. Designinf is NOT my strong suit so if anyone has any critique im all ears

Special thanks to for sketching out a base

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I suppose this counts (even tho idk what she is anymore)

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