Jay 🐻 @ semi-hiatus | DT prep 🌸さんのプロフィール画像

Jay 🐻 @ semi-hiatus | DT prep 🌸さんのイラストまとめ

Jay · 28 · they/she 🏳️‍⚧️ · mostly ffxiv · art and gposes · ♡ AmonWoL/HermesAzem ♡ SFW most of the times! 🌸

フォロー数:535 フォロワー数:1875

So,,, Mentioned flustered Reigen and I just,, had to do something about it. Oops?

30 97

Day 4: Fake/Real "Ah, Reigen-san... The spirit is the other way..."

39 88

Day 3: Creature. "Nothing wrong with celebrating Halloween on June, Katsuya!"

41 83

Day 2: Touch. "His warm skin on the tip of my fingers, it's a moment between us. Only us."

30 89

Day 1: Sharing. "You know, I thought I told you to bring an umbrella!"

51 121