

moondrops aka ai. I like playing the video games & drawing. Pokemon fanatic. JP/US アメリカ生まれの日本人です。ゲームとお絵描きが好きです。icon by @artbynips

フォロー数:560 フォロワー数:863

haaaaaaai rkgk どうぞ

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enjoyeeeeeeeeeee sry i just did the head portraits (>o<);;

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hope I got the details correcttttt... here you go!

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hope you like your doodleeeeeeeee sorry it's super unpolished ;-;

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じゅうでんちゅう "recharging" rkgk

trying to get back into drawing from my 10yr hiatus lol, so I might be posting a lot of random doodles (/_;) sorry in advance

this is how I feel rn :D

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ルーイ (Rooi) / るい Rui

(I haven't really told many people this; even I forget 😂)
バイ・ハドソン! https://t.co/Ll3PEUYvPq

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