

Currently into ⚫⚪⚾🍁⚾🪲🔶💙
Mostly GI | HSR | JJK | SGDLR
I stand with the people of 🇵🇸
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since 💠 has an official design now so I revised my 🔶💠 merch to be like this. Also I'd like to know which merch you'd prefer? standee, keychain, sticker, keychain standee? for standee do you prefer it is separated or not?

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venti nahida pls come to me 🥺🙏
but I am going to skip raiden first until lantern rite cause I heard 2 zhongli's children rerun I need the weapon

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Decided to simplify it like this because I consider the size of the standee I will try to contact the manufacturer tomorrow

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I want to make the guili one into standee tho and gonna have some revision too

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Looking at my old sketch and one is similar to shenhe so I remake it into idol shenhe 🤣

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