

🇨🇦 | ♂️ | 20+ | literally just a guy |
alt+🔞: @sixtynineyrs

フォロー数:77 フォロワー数:315

Here you go!
(I don't have new pics bc he needs a support rod now)

1 19

Raiden but if he was catered specifically catered to me


53 185

unused art I cleaned a little from the Otasune zine--
//it was bc some peeps did the idea better I opted out lmao//

[#otasune | |

8 22

I finally finished this and if you wanna check it out it's ⛓️below qwq
(there's like about 20-ish pieces in here so it kinda helps me with getting the physical copies)

10 33

Not gonna finish this 👌

0 4

social battery burnout all last week--
have a Gray Fox for the start of the week :3c

22 65

I love everyone in this game, but he holds a special place in my heart uwu

(I've been slacking on streaming but next stream we're working on Monsoon)

37 114

Here's Guts from weeks ago--;;
(if it's crunchy I'm sorry I refuse to post hq online)

2 11

I finally finished Asuka--
Should I do Mari too? 🤔

0 7

It's been bothering me for a month so I did a digital redraw of the comm I did for , I hope it's cool I redrew her qwq

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