

23 / he/him 🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇦 art + retweets (multifandom) commissions + reqs closed | icon by @MANTISPIRE

フォロー数:580 フォロワー数:817

tiger study + progress pics (reference image + credit in replies)

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my elder scrolls OC is dagi khajiit named ji'zahn .

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did some studies of pet pics <3<3 rly happy with how they came out

5 21

tasmanian devil... but hes actually very sweet despite his appearance.

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i love messing with colours soo much its the most fun art of making art. i love all the subtle gradients and variance that u can get

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quick bust before bed <3 wanna work on form better so my art doesnt always look so flat but understanding shapes that way will b a long process =_=

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sketch vs final

3 20

god i just revisited my fav highschool project i ever made . some image highlights that i made for it (this was a doc/final exam that i did indeed pass the course with). still proud of myself for submitting this garbage

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