

Aspiring Digital Artist :) | Love drawing video game stuffs 🕹 | A cool froggo 🐸

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Itsa me SirSlippy! Cool to see improvement in art through out a year


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Hello it’s me, SirSlippy. Love deawing a lot of video game characters. Here is some of my recent stuff :)

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Man it’s really been a year since I started this account. Thank you so much to all followers who are with me on my art journey. I am exited for another year of great artistry!

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Yoooo noice! Keep up da good work ;)
I’m SirSlippy and I like video game stuffs 🐸

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Wanted to get more into animation so I animated the best enemy in super Mario :)

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Our gen 8 journey finally ends with the two legendaries, Zacian and Zamazenta.
Personally like Zacian better but they both look pretty dope in general :)

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It’s Yamper and Corviknight! Love their designs :)
I decided to put them separately because I couldn’t find a background that would fit them both.

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We continue our gen 8 drawathon with Gossifleur and Eldegoss
Their design has definitely grown on me now that I’ve drawn them :)

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It’s a wild wooloo and Drednaw!
Stay tuned I am planning to draw all the new gen 8 pokemon that have been revealed so far:)

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It’s academy from Overwatch. Really like the new skin :)
For this drawing I tried a little more blending and I like it turned out.

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