celine ʕ -㉨- ʔ inactiveさんのプロフィール画像

celine ʕ -㉨- ʔ inactiveさんのイラストまとめ

HoIostars + UPR0AR!! ☆ FUB free ☆ RT/ QRT 🆗 ☆ English (I will use a translator for all other languages!)

フォロー数:513 フォロワー数:1717

His aura completely changes with just one jacket

Cute classmate that likes chocolate and games, harmless and easy to talk to ➡️ guy you always see at mixers and parties, popular but as an introvert you find him absolutely terrifying

21 100

Felu-sensei you always got our backs

0 39

I wonder if they got their hair cut together

49 206