

23 / tired and probably sweaty

フォロー数:457 フォロワー数:624

todays google doodle is fun

9 85

raspberry cookie is waifu but shes a lesbian so ur outta luck. lilac, parfait, and dark choco cookies are all viable options tho

0 2

i show up to your nye party as hatsune miku wyd

1 18

i have GOT to smoke weed with this bitch

0 7

Hmf. If that's your last request, fine.

0 1

Heh. Insane? *chuckles* You have no idea who I am or what I've been through. *sharingan activages* I'll show you insane.

0 4

sorry i cant be her

0 8

guessing fire emblem names

2 19