

🎨 Painting is silent poetry, and Poetry is painting that speaks 🍂🍃

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It would rather die of passion than of boredom.

Vincent Van Gogh

🎨 Alireza Marimi Moghaddam

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Comparison is the thief of joy.

Theodore Roosevelt

🎨 Alireza Karimi Moghaddam

0 5

Happy are those ..
Who take life day by day,
Complain very little,
And are thankful for ..
The small things in life.

🎨 Izumi Kogahara

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Be careful ..
When you cast out your demons
That you don’t throw away ..
The best of yourself.

Friedrich Nietzsche

🎨 Mia Bergeron

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People write because no one listens.

🎨 Mia Bergeron

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Nothing is so painful to human mind
As a great a sudden change.

Mary Shelley / Frankenstein

🎨 Mia Bergeron

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In the end,
Everyone is aware of this :
Nobody keeps any of what he has,
And life is only a borrowing of bones.

Pablo Neruda

🎨 Jessica Gordon

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🎨 June Stratton

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