

🎨 Painting is silent poetry, and Poetry is painting that speaks 🍂🍃

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🎨 June Stratton

0 2

🎨 Stephanie Rew

2 5

You never knew exactly how much space ..
You occupied in people’s lives.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

🎨 Lisa Shen / Watercolor

3 20

All the things that are lovely.
The things you never knew.
I want to gather them one by one ..
.. and bring them to you.

D.H. Lawrence

🎨 Bronwyn Hill

3 5

Life never plays fair !

🎨 Bettina Baldassari

0 2

Don’t find fault with what you understand.

French Proverb

🎨 Lea Chang

0 5

🎨 Barbara Abeltina

0 2

Blessed are the hearts that can be bend ;
They shall never be broken.

Albert Camus

3 10