

🎨 Painting is silent poetry, and Poetry is painting that speaks 🍂🍃

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🎨 Suchitra Bhosle / The golden gaze

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My heart is so small,
It’s almost invisible.
How can you place such big sorrow init ?
Look .. he answered
Your eyes are even smaller,
Yet, they behold the world.

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🎨 Anna Razumovskaya

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What had been there is gone now ..
.. and lives in my heart.
Where, periodically .. it opens up its wings ..
.. tearing me apart.

1 2

And now ..
Memory is more indelible ink.

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You can discover more about a person .. an hour of play
than in a year of conversation.


🎨Sophie Wilkins

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🖌 Chatchawan Rodklongton / Thai artist

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🖌 Chatchawan Rodklongton / Thai artist

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Here is the simple truth about people :
Love the ones you want to keep.

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The quieter you become,
The more you can hear.

Ram Dass

🖌 Chatchawan Rodklongton

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