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🎨 Suchitra Bhosle / The golden gaze
My heart is so small, It’s almost invisible. How can you place such big sorrow init ? Look .. he answered Your eyes are even smaller, Yet, they behold the world.
🎨 Anna Razumovskaya
What had been there is gone now .. .. and lives in my heart. Where, periodically .. it opens up its wings .. .. tearing me apart.
And now .. Memory is more indelible ink.
You can discover more about a person .. ..in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. Plato 🎨Sophie Wilkins
🖌 Chatchawan Rodklongton / Thai artist
Here is the simple truth about people : Love the ones you want to keep.
The quieter you become, The more you can hear. Ram Dass 🖌 Chatchawan Rodklongton