

🎨 Painting is silent poetry, and Poetry is painting that speaks 🍂🍃

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Sometimes I write to find myself,
Sometimes I write with hope to find you,
And sometimes I forget the difference.

Akif Kichloo

6 15

And like a colorful bloom ..
Of temporary lights in the sky,
You will shine.

5 23

If I can't feel ..
I'm not live,
I'm not real.

🎨 Peter Xiao

5 19

Comfort and kindness
Fall like gentle summer rain
On broken heart ,
Washing away salt sadness
So that love ..
Might grow once again

2 6

Heaven has a road,
But no one travels it ;
Hell has no gate,
But men will dig to get there.

Chinese Proverb

2 8

Dusk light is full of melancholy.

7 12

Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences,
Penetrates walls to arrive at its ..
Destination full of hope.

Maya Angelou

🎨 Shamsia Hassani

1 2

A dirty word.
And faith,
A clean one.
Have something in common !
They both begin where reason ends.

Harper Lee

🎨 Dorina Costras

3 6

Leave me be .. melancholy

🎨 Shamsia Hassani

6 20

You're not what you write,
You're what you hide.

0 1