Manu L.さんのプロフィール画像

Manu L.さんのイラストまとめ

Harmless stuff #drawing #etching #filmphotography #caffenol #pinhole #cyanotype #silkscreen #printmaking…

フォロー数:565 フォロワー数:1015

Reverse Light Painting series. (details)
Action Drawing
Tirage Argentique / Silver Print
📷 Semflex 6x6.
Photosensitive paper loaded directly into the device.
5,5 x 5,5 cm

3 22

All Over (details)
Reverse Light Painting.
Tirage Argentique / Silver Print
📷 Semflex 6x6.
Photosensitive paper loaded directly into the device.
5,5 x 5,5 cm

3 30

All Over
Reverse Light Painting.
Tirage Argentique / Silver Print
📷 Semflex 6x6.
Photosensitive paper loaded directly into the device.
5,5 x 5,5 cm

4 43

All Over (details)
Reverse Light Painting. Exercice photographique.
Silver Print
📷 Ricoh XR 1.
Photosensitive paper loaded directly into the device.
3,5 x 2,4 cm

4 23

Screen Prints
Michelangelo's david series
Screen Printing
21,2 x 29,5 cm each

4 27

Les désaxés
The misfits
Encre de chine, graphite et stylo à bille sur fiche bristol.
Indian ink, graphite and ballpoint pen on bristol sheet.

1 18

Fiche d'exercice
Exercise sheet


Posca, encre et bande adhésive sur estampe à l'adhésif
Posca, ink and adhesive tape over stamp with adhesive

10 x 15 cm

5 25

Fiche d'exercice grille.
Exercise sheet grid.


Graphite et bande adhésive sur photographie argentiquel
Graphite and adhesive on filmphotography

9 x 14 cm

4 13

Cercles, Juin 2021
Circles, june 2021


dimensions variables
variable dimensions

2 17



Posca et encre de chine sur papier photo argentique insolé
Posca and Indian ink on insolated silver photo paper

17,8 x 23,8 cm

0 13