

23 | 🇳🇬 | Comic artist and writer

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:322

Been feeling inspired by lately so i did a quick banditboy sketch

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Lmaoo my main character has those, i love that long ass sideburns thing

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Idk how I’ve stumbled into this weird naming convention of names that are real but just slightly odd or uncommon but i like it

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Bojack is that you (this looks sick though, fr)

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Putting together some character sheets for my main cast

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Spent some time today designing the first villain we meet in Underguild. Didnt decide on a name yet but I do like the shark theme I ended up going with

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Always compare your current work with your older stuff. There was a 3 month difference between these and it gave me a huge boost of motivation/validation that i was improving

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