

The sweet peppy girl next door.
Pokemon Trainer, Coordinator, and Hero of Hoenn. Earned the title 'Contest Princess', in her region.

フォロー数:387 フォロワー数:2568

❝ I'll be your Spring time Girl~🎶! ❞

3 24

❝ Um, this bunny suit someone gifted me seems a little. . . risqué.

I don't know if I should wear this for my next performance. . What do you think? ❞

May blushes as she poses in the sexy rabbit attire.

11 55

❝ Happy Year of 2023! It's the year of the Lopunny, and you'll have Bunny May for ! Hehe, Pyon-pyon~♥︎ ❞

8 30


Hope all have a jolly day filled with LOVE and JOY! Here's your Christmas present~! ❞

10 37

May would sneakily hop on Wes' hover-motorcycle while the male was occupied. She looks at the handles, scanning for the keys.

❝ (Teehee. . .) ❞

3 6