

I play video games, do modding and in my free time I like to draw artwork!
Hobby artist in search for a consistent art style~

フォロー数:4988 フォロワー数:226

makes the best faces while working on puzzles 😝

14 58

Looking forward to the sleepathon this weekend~ 😴#ReinyArts

4 25

Happy bday Pina! You're such a ray of sunshine and I'm always super happy to see you! Please continue to do such great work! 😃🐧#PinaHatchDay2022

2 22

When you want to touch grass but you're also a digital artist who likes to draw. 🌲📝

6 53

Got a bit carried away, sorry~ drawing hair turned out more fun than I expected 😙

0 10

An outfit that sends shivers down every vtuber fan's spines...

0 7