

20⬆️ 종종 그림 올리는 덕질계정 / 헤더: 교장님

フォロー数:115 フォロワー数:47

아이크임.. 왜 안경이 없냐구요? 제가 그릴 줄 몰라서요..

This is ike. Why doesn't he have glasses? I don't know how to draw..

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오늘 아이크 방송동안 그렸던 낙서모음💙
The collection of scribbles I drew during today ike's streaming💙

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The picture I drew while watching the streaming💙

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아이크와 퀼드렌
Ike and Quilldren

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Ike's BBoing BBonig was so cute💙💙

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오늘 아이크 방송동안 그렸던 낙서모음
The collection of scribbles I drew during today ike's streaming

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