

(They/them). ↑30. English+Español 🇲🇽🤠🩺
Multifandom multishipper. Dibujo lo que se me pega la gana ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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🥰 c l a u d e 🥰

0 10

I very selfishly want Hanneman and his fridged sister to be twins :')

1 9

hanneman's one of those characters I feel is both flat and fascinating, which is rare to find in my usual pursuit of characters who change drastically.
it also doesn't hurt that he looks a lot like Ian, one of my old OCs :3

3 15

lettuce family

1 12

So Seiros is a dragon, Macuil is a bird, and Indech is a tortoise... would that make Cichol a tiger? (and Cethleann... a kitten?! :3c gives her fishing habit a whole new twist!)
the four saints being based on the chinese cardinal directions gives me satisfaction uwu

12 21

the man who stopped counting after the year one hundred

2 12

byleth's outfit is so dumb and yet i really like it
(my hc byleth is afab -> nonbinary)

0 8

so my actual theory re: flayn's hibernation is that she was in her dragon form, like a mindless monster type thing, while she recovered herself. angst everywhere >:D
but the idea of seteth crying over his sleeping beauty for a millennia is also very appealing :3c

8 36

being a mercenary means being on the side of the biggest profit, right? so you were raised making a living off of other people's conflict.
perhaps you are unengaged due to more than housing a slumbering deity -- you simply could not afford to.

3 13

cat smile for fish killer flayn :3c

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