المستشار القضائيさんのプロフィール画像

المستشار القضائيさんのイラストまとめ

المستشار القانوني الدولي

フォロー数:3447 フォロワー数:4321

The nationalfoundationsofthe pharaoniccivilizationDonot stand with the strong against the weak butstand with the weakagainst the strong
If the dwarfgetsangryhe seeshis shadowas a giant andif the giant gets angryhe sees his shadow as adwarfso absorb youranger thatleads you to doom

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Anubis has assumed different roles in different contexts. Depicted as the protector of tombs as early as the First Dynasty (c 3100 - c 2890 BC), Anubis was also responsible for mummification. By the Middle Kingdom (about 2055 - 1650 BC)🇾🇪🇾🇪

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Joy is a heavy burden,just like sadnessIf a person does not find someone to share it with,his heart will break from the intensity of emotion
The truth is that passion has no time, rather its time is an extended present that has neither abeginning nor an end

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Pharaonic cats🐈‍⬛ are a breed of domestic cats that are characterized by the absence of fur on their bodies, and the reason🐈‍⬛ for this is a genetic mutation,🇾🇪🇾🇪

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