

I am an Attack On Titan, Nintendo and Genshin Impact fan. This profile contain spoilers about AOT's mangá.

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:691

There was a time you couldn't even complain about this Mikasa frame without +20 people @ quoting your tweet to tell you it looked "just like the mangá".

5 85

Yuki Kaji saying what every Attack On Titan stan should have already noticed: Eren is a tsundere.

188 1676

Me: I don't want to ruin the experience of the last chapter of Attack on Titan with fake spoilers and mistranslations, so I'll wait until the official release
Also me: where the hell are the spoilers?

15 71

Mikasa Ackerman, the one character some fans love to dismiss as "not relevant to the plot" keeps reappearing in every chapter and getting the spotlight in the cover of the manga and the Kodansha magazine. We love to see it!

112 766