

日/中(繁)/Eng|My ACE👟☯️ |NIJI EN 箱推し|main 吠L brothers💜🧡|PsyBorg❤️💜|🔕|COMMPFP: @/OoopLoop

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No(・-・ 三・-・) (^ω^)www
No(・-・ 三・-・)… No(・-・ 三・-・)…

Cute shakes head Shu☺️💜

77 333

Are you really gonna change your oshi?????

28 459

Fuuchan/ Uki/ Kyo
Wosemi/ ewiwa/ Petra
Reimu/ Nina/ Millie

The gm&gn merch outfit pic
Wonder is that presenting Mika??
Also I saw she vent sussy sussy 🫣🫣

24 126

They are too cute for me I can’t handle it 🥹💜🧡💕

3 33